dazzled by the night

Dazzled by the night's mortal lights
With cars driving close by me and my pupils thin as pins
I waited for you 100 years long in the black-and-white streets
You came over, whistling

Dazzled by the night's mortal lights
Kicking the cans on the ground, as lost as a ship
If I lost my mind, I loved you and even worse
You came over, whistling

Dazzled by the night's mortal lights
Will you love life at last, or just watch it pass by?
There's almost nothing left of our nights of smoking
But your ashes in the morning.

At this subway station, full of life and dizziness
At the next stop, called Petit Européen
Run your hand all the way down to my heart

Dazzled by the night's mortal lights
A last lap, stretching out my hand
I waited for you 100 years long in the black-and-white streets
You came over, whistling

You were right my dear
Life never lasts one night
The time of madness
Too short, then flies away
And then

What remains within us but
This heavenly nostalgia
This knowing that you are still mine
Still mine

The deepest well is not offended
It turns itself off if the case
And then it ignites back
Violent passion
Understand me my friend
You can

Everything normal between us
Dearest heavenly nostalgia
Sweet companion of love stories
Always mine
Always mine

You see a train one summer
You go in a car
And drive far
That gleam in his eyes, goodbye
I agree that it hurts, so goodbye

But you

You never die within me
You bright blue heavenly nostalgia
A few affectionate words
And a few "but"
For us, maybe not ...

My great love, my great friend
Dear heavenly nostalgia
An hour, a day, a life
Just how you want it 
That's how it will be
Stay mine

My great love, my friend 
Dear heavenly nostalgia
An hour, a day, a life
Just how you want it 
That's how it will be
Stay mine