
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2016

...în care mă joc cu cuvintele :)

'the rain pushes the buildings aside'

'I'd rather fuck his mind, the body is so mainstream.'

'roll me up & smoke me when I die'

Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends. / Hafiz

despre volumul meu la Cartea Zilei

we're riding down the boulevard / with half a tank and empty heart


treburi gospodărești

Motivul pentru care am ieșit din domeniul publicității

'The only thing you must do, flesh-child, is die. The rest is but a trick of light in the foam on the waves.'

'Instead of hating someone, act as if they're dead. It saves energy.'

Freezing the ocean


pentru că toamna a trecut, dar încă plouă

'Be like a star, distant and dying'

The Couple

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