my one and only resolution for... me :)
When Holy Omniwill clove Adam into twin that he may know himself and realize his oneness with the One, then he became a male and a female, a he-Adam and a she-Adam. Then was he deluged with desires, which are the offspring of Duality – desires so numerous, so infinite of hues, so very great of magnitude, so profligate and so prolific that till this day Man is a derelict upon their waves. No sooner does a wave lift him to dizzy heights than does another drag him to the bottom. For his desires are paired as he himself is paired. And though two opposites but complement each other in reality, yet to the ignorant they seem at grips and blows and never willing to declare even a moment’s truce. That is the flood that Man is called to breast hour-by-hour, day-by-day, throughout his very long and arduous dual life. That is the flodd whose mighty fountains gushes out of the heart and sweep you in their rush. That is the flood whose rainbow shall not grace your sky until your sky be wedded to your earth and made with it as one. Since Adam sowed himself in Eve, men have been reaping whirlwinds and floods. When passions of a kind preponderate, then is the life of men thrown out of balance, and then are men engulfed in one flood or another in order that a balanced is established. And never shall the balance be adjusted till men have learned to knead all their desires in the kneading truth of Love and bake of them the bread of Holy Understanding. The flood that overwhelmed the Earth in Noah’s days was not the first nor last humanity has known. It only set a high mark in the long succession of devastating floods; the flood of fire and blood which is about to break upon the Earth shall surely pass the mark. Are you prepared to float, or shall you be submerged? Alas! You are too busy adding weight on weight; too busy drugging your blood with pleasures rife with pain; too busy charging roads that lead you to nowhere; too busy picking seed in the backyards of the storerooms of Life without so much as peeping through the keyhole. How will you not go under, O my waifs? You, born to soar aloft, to roam the boundless space, to fold the universe within your wings, have cooped yourselves in coops of snug conventions and beliefs that clip your wings, impair your sight and petrify your sinews. How shall you override the coming flood, my waifs?
You, images and likens of God, have well-nigh blotted out the likeness and the image. Your godly stature have you dwarfed till you no longer recognize it. Your countenance divine have you besmeared with mud, and masked with many clownish masks. How shall you face the flood you have unleashed, my waifs? Except you heed Mirdad, the Earth shall never be to you more than a tomb, the Sky more than a shroud. Whereas the one was fitted out to serve you for a cradle, the other, for a throne. Again I say to you, You are the flood, the Ark and the commander. But penetrating all is your will. And hovering over all your understanding.
Make certain that the Ark be stanch and seaworthy; but do not waste your life on that alone; else will the time for sailing never come, and in the end both you and your Ark will rot and be submerged upon the spot. Make certain of the captain’s competence and calm. But above all learn to seek out the sources of the flood, and train your will to dry them one by one. Then surely will the flood abate and finally spent itself. Burn out a passion or it burns you out. Look not into a passion’s mouth to see if it has fangs or honeyed mandibles. The bee that gathers up the nectar of the flowerers gathers their poison, too. Nor scrutinize a passion’s face if it be comely or unsightly. More comely was to Eve the Serpent’s face than was the face of God. Nor put a passion in the scales to ascertain its weight. Who would compare in weight a diadem with a mountain? Yet, verily, the diadem is heavier by far than the mountain. And there be passions that carol celestial lays by day, but hiss and bite and sting under the pall of night; and passions fat and over-weighted with joy that quickly turn to skeletons of sorrow, and passions soft of eye and docile of demeanor that suddenly become more ravenous than wolves, more treacherous than hyenas, and passions scenting sweeter than a rose so long as left alone, but stinking worse than carrions and skunks so soon as touched and plucked. Sift not your passions into good and bad, for that is labour lost. The good cannot endure without the bad; and the bad can strike no roots save in the good. One is the tree of Good and Evil. One is the fruit thereof. You cannot know the taste of Good without at once knowing the taste of Evil. The pap from which you suck the milk of Life the same it is that yields the milk of Death. That hand rocks you in the cradle is but the very hand that digs your grave. That is, my waifs, the nature of Duality. But be not so vain and obstinate as to attempt to change it. Be not so foolish as to try to split it into halves that you may take the half you like and cast the other out. Would you be masters of Duality? Treat it as neither good nor evil. Has not the milk of life and death turned sour in your mouths? Is it not time you rinsed your mouths with something that is neither good nor bad because surpassing both? Is it not time you yearned for the fruit which is nor sweet nor bitter because not grown upon the tree of Good and Evil? Would you be free from the clutches of Duality? Than pluck its tree – the tree of Good and Evil – out of your hearts. Aye, pluck its root and branch, that the seed of Life Divine, the seed of Holy Understanding which is beyond all good and evil may germinate and sprout instead thereof.
A cheerless message is Mirdad, you say. It robs us of the joy of waiting on the morrow. It makes us dumb, disinterested witness in life, when we would be vociferous contestants. For sweet is to contest no matter what the stakes at issue. And sweet to venture on a chase even though the quarry be nothing more than a will-of-the-wisp. So say you in your hearts, forgetting that your hearts are not yours at all so long as good and evil passions hold their reins. To be the masters of your hearts knead all your passions – good and bad – in the single trough of Love and you may bake them in the oven of Holy Understanding, where all duality is unified in God. Cease not to trouble a world already over troubled. How do you hope to draw clean water from a dwell wherein you dump incessantly all kinds of rubbish and of mud? How shall the waters in the pool ever be clear and still if you disturb them every moment? Draw no drafts for calm upon a troubled world lest you be drawing drafts on trouble. Draw no drafts for love upon a hating world lest you be drawing drafts on Hate. Draw no drafts for life upon a dying world lest you be drawing drafts on Death. The world can pay you in no other coin except its own, which is a two-faced coin. But draw upon yourselves. Nor make demands on any man which you allow him not to make on you.
And what is that which, if accorded you by all the world, would help you overcome your flood and disembark upon an earth divorced from pain and death and joined to heaven in everlasting Love and Peace of Understanding? Is it possessions, power, fame? Is it authority, and prestige, and respect? Is it ambition crowned, and hope fulfilled? But each of these is but a fountainhead which nourishes your flood. Away with them, my waifs, away, away. Be still that you may be clear. Be clear that you may clearly see the world. When you see clearly through the world, then will you know how very poor and powerless it is to give you what you seek of freedom, peace and life. All that the world can give you is a body – an Ark in which to sail the sea of dual life. And that you owe to no man in the world. The Universe is duty-bound to furnish it to you and to sustain it. To keep it trim and stanch to breast the flood, as trim and stanch as was Noah’s Ark; to leash the beasts therein and have them well controlled, as Noah leashed his beasts and perfectly controlled them – that is your duty, and yours alone.
To have a faith bright-eyed and wide-awake which to put at the helm; a faith unshaken in the Omniwill which is your guide to Eden’s blissful portals – that is your business, and yours alone. To have a dauntless will for a commander, a will to overcome and to partake of Holy Understanding’s Tree of Life – that is again your work, and yours alone. God-bound is Man. No destination short of that is worthy of his pain. What if the way be long and strewn with squalls and gales? Shall not pure-hearted, keen-eyed Faith outwit the squall and override the gale? Make hast. For time bestowed on loitering is pain-infested time. And men, even the busiest, are loiterers, indeed. Ship builders are you all. And sailors are you all. That is the task assigned to you from eternity that you may sail the boundless ocean, which is you and therein find that voiceless harmony of being whose name is God. All things must have a center from which to radiate and round which to revolve. If life – Man’s life – be a circle, and God-finding be thereof the centre, than all your work must be concentric with that centre, elsewhere is loitering, though it be drenched in crimson perspiration. But since to lead Man to his destiny is the business of Mirdad, behold! Mirdad has fitted out for you a wondrous Ark, an Ark well built and well commanded. Not one for gopher wood and pitch; nor one for ravens, lizards and hyenas. But one of Holy Understanding, which shall indeed be a beacon for all who yearn to Overcome. Her love for everything and all. Nor shall her cargo be lands and chattels, or silver, gold and jewels, but souls divorced form their shadows and mantled in the light of freedom of Understanding. Let those who would break their moorings from the Earth; and those who would be unified; and those who yearn to Overcome themselves – let them come aboard.
The Ark is ready. The wind is favoring, the sea is calm. So taught I Noah, so I teach you.(“Book of Mirdad” – Chapter 37: “The Master warns the crowds of the flood of fire and blood, points the way of escape, and launches his Ark”)