this is too much already, I have to post this - there are so many miracles out there... :)
1. yesterday (20th) I've written a poem ending with fire (and I don't usually use fire in my poems). at that time, I didn't know what the fire meant.
2. today I've searched the net for images of a fire woman (no reason...).
3. an hour ago I almost burned my house because of two candles left on the floor in the other room (I've heard the cracking in a pause of the music I was listening at headphones...).
4. finally, because of that fire, 10 minutes ago, just as a curiosity, I searched on google (on a non-spiritual site) quotes about fire, and the first line that has appeared in front of my eyes was this one: "just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." (buddha)
so, this is the thing that it was supposed to come to me... number 4, the quote. maybe it's related to the fact that I was lazy in the past 2 months, not doing meditation anymore? a message for these times here, about the shift and the solution, a warning for me? I keep asking myself... meanwhile, I will start meditating daily again... ;))