so true

Language fails whenever one attempts to use it to represent experiences which go beyond the range of physical sensation. This is why mystics and seers are forced to resort to symbolic uses of language. It is not that they are trying to hide anything. Nobody could be more eager to express himself than a wise man who has had experience. The truth of the matter is that ordinary speech will not serve to convey this kind of experience from one mind to another.
On the other hand, he who has had the experience finds that he has no difficulty in understanding the words. As one grows into the state of consciousness we have called the Fifth Kingdom, one understands the special meanings which the sages give to words, and discovers that for the seers of all periods of human history there is, so to say, a “new tongue”, intelligible to all who have had the higher kind of experience.

(Paul Foster Case)

(photo: "Levitation" - sundaymay on deviantart)
