somebody's at the bottom :)))

Sykes: Now I have to pay Don Lino protection, so everything you owe me, you owe him.
Oscar: How do you figure that?
Sykes: Simple, the food chain. [Pulls out chart]
Sykes: On top there's Don Lino, there's me, there's regular fish...
Oscar: And that's me.
Sykes: No. There's plankton, there's single-celled amoebas...
Oscar: And then me.
Sykes: I'm getting there, I'm getting there... There's coral, there's rocks, there's whale poop, and then there's you.

[too bad I couldn't find the scene on youtube, so - a note: it's a funny scene from shark tale:)]

...but hey, I found the lines put in a harry potter video,
along with another shark tale funny lines - here they are :)
