1st of september special

ca-n fiecare 1 septembrie... celebrare prin reverie :)
but now I feel...indescribable HAPPY :)
(and beautiful inside...)

ce înaltă a crescut iarba în curtea noastră
ce însingurat e zborul păsărilor
oprit pentru doar o secundă în umbra casei
uneori se mai aude câte un foşnet ca şi cum
te-ai întoarce la mine obosit şi tăcut
uneori mi se pare că îţi zăresc faţa arsă de soare
şi privirea aspră înrămată în lumina roşiatică a după-amiezii

pe drumul pustiu se aude praful aşezându-se
casa mă luminează tăcută prin cioburi de geam
nicio nelinişte nu mi-a înlănţuit mai strâns zbaterea inimii
ca cea din ochii tăi purtând în ei o noapte
o lume neexplorată
o promisiune
un vis

vremea aceea în care viaţa aşeza în noi
spice de grâu copt şi miros de iarbă cosită
vremea aceea în care îmbrăcam dimineţile într-un firesc
liber de aşteptări şi de teama înserării
vremea aceea când în amândoi
încolţise fără să ştim
aceeaşi inimă

ne-am atins ultima oară
când lumina ieşea prin perdea făcând-o să tremure
se întuneca
iar vremea aceea s-a stins uşor
ca arsura unui cărbune încins peste care nu mai suflă nimeni

(ela solan - "vremea aceea")

remember how it used to be
when the sun would fill up the sky
remember how we used to feel
those days would never end
those days would never end

remember how it used to be
when the stars would fill the sky
remember how we used to dream
those nights would never end
those nights would never end

it was the sweetness of your skin
it was the hope of all we might have been
that fills me with the hope to wish
impossible things

but now the sun shines cold
and all the sky is grey
the stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
and all i wish
is gone away
all i wish
is gone away
all i wish
is gone away

every time we do this
I fall for her
wave after wave after wave
it's all for her
I know this can't be wrong I say
and I'll lie to keep her happy
as long as I know that you know
that today I belong
right here with you
right here with you...

and so we watch the sun come up
from the edge of the deep green sea
and she listens like her head's on fire
like she wants to believe in me
so I try
put your hands in the sky
we'll be here forever
and we'll never say goodbye...

I've never been so
colourfully-see-through-head before
I've never been so
and all I want is to keep it like this
you and me alone
a secret kiss
and don't go home
don't go away
don't let this end
please stay
not just for today

never never never never never let me go she says
hold me like this for a hundred thousand million days
but suddenly she slows
and looks down at my breaking face
why do you cry? what did I say?
but it's just rain I smile
brushing my tears away...

I wish I could just stop
I know another moment will break my heart
too many tears
too many times
too many years I've cried over you

how much more can we use it up?
drink it dry?
take this drug?
looking for something forever gone
but something
we will always want?

why why why are you letting me go? she says
I feel you pulling back
I feel you changing shape...
and just as I'm breaking free
she hangs herself in front of me
slips her dress like a flag to the floor
and hands in the sky
surrenders it all...

I wish I could just stop
I know another moment will break my heart
too many tears
too many times
too many years i've cried for you
it's always the same
wake up in the rain
head in pain
hung in shame
a different name
same old game
love in vain
and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
away from home again...
