I'm so HAPPY. with EVERYTHING in my life. I know it sounds so declarative, but... I couldn't keep it to myself for now :)
it's not only about the dance and the trance ;), it's about me with all my life, all the other parts of it. I'm just... different :) I've said once that I'm continuously transforming, changing my inner world for the rest of my life, but at that time I had no idea how much and how good it would feel :) [yes, I know, I didn't follow the english sequence of time rules, even though usually I do, but who cares now? - for sure, not me ;))]

here's just about a part of me, the dance, and about the spirit of salsa (and by the way, dance is a spiritual form of exercise, for "being in the moment", in the "now and nothing else") described by felix in a few words that comprise an entire feeling, sensation. thanks felix for pouring it so clearly into words :)

hahah, only after I've written this I found felix's written words:

"Salsa poate insemna tot ceea ce simtim intr-un moment - fie ca e vorba de dragoste, pasiune, atitudine, relaxare sau spirit ludic. Partea frumoasa - putem pune orice stare intr-un dans. Putem fi atat de liberi incat sa exprimam prin miscare tot ce dorim, fie ca o facem doar pentru a ne relaxa dupa o zi grea, pentru ca vrem sa facem miscare intr-un mediu placut sau pentru ca vrem sa punem o poveste prin dans, fie ea de iubire sau nu.

Salsa te ajuta sa nu gandesti. Cel putin, sa nu gandesti mai mult decat ce vei face de-a lungul urmatorului cantec cu persoana cu care dansezi. Prin salsa poti atinge acel "carpe diem" atat de visat de multi - sa fii aici si sa fii acum. Sa traiesti clipa doar bucurandu-te deplin de ceea ce se petrece in aceasta clipa.

...and this is the reason why there are moments when I simply love suzana - when she's dancing :)
