W r i t e r
aş vrea să mă aşez pe marginea trotuarului,
să aştept să se facă noapte la capătul străzii singurătatea
mea de acuma mai are
ceva la fel cu cea din copilărie,
când nu ştiam că trece pentru totdeauna
vremea. nu se poate răscumpăra
cu nimic vremea de atunci? nu mai rămâne
adevărat nici un gest, chiar aşezat
pe stradă cu capul în mâini?
şi lumina, care se spulberă pe obiecte,
şi obiectele se fac frunze,
şi se fac frunze
/ Mircea Ivănescu
// foto: Anna O.
A writer is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to communicate their ideas. Writers produce various forms of literary art and creative writing such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays and essays. They contribute significantly to the cultural content of a society.
Writers work professionally or non-professionally, that is, for payment or without payment and may be paid either in advance (or on acceptance), or only after their work is published. Payment is only one of the motivations of writers and many are never paid for their work.
Poets make maximum use of the language to achieve an emotional and sensory effect as well as a cognitive one. To create these effects, they use rhyme and rhythm and they also exploit the properties of words with a range of other techniques such as alliteration and assonance.
Novelists write novels – stories that explore universal themes through fiction. They situate invented characters and plots in a narrative designed to be both credible and entertaining.
, Wiki says. :)