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Unfortunately, for women, intelligence many times hinders our travels and keeps us from the promise land. Because, for all you bright and educated women out there, what you feel is real… intelligent women are more likely to be single.
The popular saying “ignorance is bliss” doesn’t exactly cover the broad spectrum of woes women feel as they sit alone Friday nights with no one to discuss Nietzsche or read lines from Proust with.
The saying should be something closer to “ignorant women get the man and intelligent women never feel bliss.”
In an article by "The Wire", financial reporter John Carney gives one explanation for this phenomenon: “successful men date less successful women not because they want ‘women to be dumb’ but rather because they want ‘someone who prioritizes their life in a way that’s compatible with how you prioritize yours.’”
They want a woman who is dumb enough to make them a priority and, unfortunately, for all those sane, rational and intelligent women out there, there’s a hefty number of these women out there.
There are plenty of women who will give up their lives for men, who will refuse to challenge them.
Then again, deciding what kind of woman you are is like choosing between a rock and a hard place. If you’re stupid, you’re not taken seriously, but if you’re smart, you’re taken too seriously. Women everywhere are flailing under this double-edged sword. A beautiful, attractive female isn’t desirable for her mind, and those with strong characters are seen as threatening, masculine and undesirable.
Females with high intelligence in male/female relationships are seen as problematic.
Their intelligence is predicted to cause problems in the relationships. Whereas, high intelligence in the male partner is not seen as problematic, but desirable.
These cultural stereotypes and gender biases are inhibiting women from being seen as equals. Rational and educated women are being ignored and chastised for their intelligence.
Those women who teach you, show you and help you grow are being picked over, combed through and dumped.
Of course there are plenty of women out there with boyfriends who are intelligent. This is not to come at women with boyfriends, but to assuage that nagging, pestering pain all intelligent women feel as men continually take them out to dinner, have a great time then decide they’re not worth the work.
Judging from the notion that male egos aren’t deflating at the same rate at which women are increasing their education, there’s an uneven scale here. Women are getting smarter, but men aren’t getting more supportive.
Most people like to be the better one in the relationship. Men have been taught or conditioned to believe they are superior, when a woman shows a competitive edge, he becomes threatened.
You may be sensitive, sweet and insecure, but your intelligence makes you threatening. You may not have muscles and a big d*ck, but men will look at you as competition.
You are intimidating and emasculating. While most intelligent women aren’t pompous or arrogant about it, many times men assume they are. They assume the woman is going to correct them, upstage them or, God-forbid, make them feel worthless.
In an article, Dr. Eileen Pollack explains “There are all these contradictions that are propagated in our culture that make it seem like you can’t be smart and sexy. I don’t think most of us challenge the paradigms, we just absorb them.”
If a woman seems too smart or accomplished, she’s typecast as “non-dating material.” If she’s witty and competitive, she’s viewed as challenging and overbearing.
Society has come to teach women that being funny and smart won’t get you dates, but empty heads and shallow hearts.
/ elite daily, photo: mavrin studios for brand 'Bomberg'